Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Before and After

Hello peeps, i won't be online-ing for three days!
wish me luck on my upcoming audition at UPM!
*fingers cross*

*sigh* my new hair...i look like a child now..haha! but don't worry, i'm going to curl it soon! yup, just cut it first, and then going to perm my hair when i have the time. WOO~

see my last time broom hair?
haha, can take go and mop already.
carry me up and turn me upside down and use my hair as the mop head.
how's that for your washing equipment?

i will miss you!!!!



  1. you are so cute:))
    nice hair!

    Greetings from Poland!
    If you want you can visit my blog;)

  2. It's very easy :)
    On the right side under the header I have google translator!;)


thanks for posting up comments ( : i will pay you a visit