the human hair grows 1.25cm each month..
can you imagine how long i'm going to wait till i get long lustrous hair ?
funny how photos can make you look sooooo tall..i look about five feet ten from here..
it will be my last post till SPM..
and maybe on and off i will check in my blog for further post..i won't abandon it, i promise because i'm aiming for a goal before i went digging six feet underr the ground..
i'm sorry guys, i had to concentrate on my facebook is going to deactivate soon too..and went my birthday is over, i won't take a single look at the internet because i was ban from it..
i hope you guys can understand and i will come back with fresh new post
( :
My hair has grown..who says it never grow? i compare my newly cut hair with this hair..
it grows a lot till i'm surprise by it myself..
i hope nobody cyberbullied me for being self-absorbed..
cyberbullying is cruel, i've been through that road for two years..
to survive is like kicking a ten tonne stone off your road..
i therefore beg for forgiveness if i'm being too bitchy..